I'm taking a trip to California next week for a few events.
Monday, March 16:
I'm going back to Pinewood School, where I taught for 6 years. I'm excited to read and talk about the book with all the students, but especially the sophomores, juniors, and seniors I taught when they were in 7th grade- when In fact, I was in the middle of class back in December of 2005 when I received a text message from my agent that the book had sold. (Texting being, of course, forbidden in class. Oops).
Tuesday, March 17
I'll be presenting to seventh and eighth graders at the “reading lounge" of Sacramento's California Middle School. I will also be signing students’ books at the school, where the GATE students are reading “The Brothers Torres” as part of a comparison/contrast unit with Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” on the theme of betrayal vs. loyalty.
Also, I'll be reading at the
Avid Reader at the Tower, on 1600 Broadway in Sacramento, at 7:00pm. If you know anybody from Sacramento, please encourage them to come on down!